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   Cougar Band   

CC at the Cougar before Regionals.jpg

 Concert Choir    

Check the CALENDAR for Practices & Performances!

Details for each item is given below!



October 4 - National Anthem at Homecoming Game

in blue jeans & choir shirts or maroon and gold

6 CALL TIME in the BAND ROOM - You will be done at 7


Dec 12 - Winter Concert

7 pm (call time 6:20 PM)


March 11 - Regionals - Choir in Everett

in blue jeans & choir shirts

and uninteresting shoes


April 10 - District Choir Festival

7 pm (call time 6:20 PM)


June 5 - Spring Choir Concert

Class Concert during school AND


6:20 Call Time




If you have any questions please email Mrs Trapp!



Winter concert choir.jpg
Choir Regionals on Stage.jpg

School Email for Mrs. Trapp

Writing on Computer
  • Supplies and Performance Attire
    Supplies needed: Instrument in good playing condition at all times; any needed cleaning or maintenance supplies for your instrument; School provides a flip folder w/ at least 20 pages and concert folder for concert music; 2 pencils (no pens), you need your own Lyre to connect your flip folder to your instrument Pep/Marching Attire: Pep shirts/Jackets must be purchased by each band member. Pep shirts are worn with long, blue jeans and tied tennis shoes. When FULL UNIFORM is stated, the band family wears our band uniform pants/bibbers, jackets and shakos (hats). Students must provide and bring long black socks and ALL black marching shoes. (no dress shoes, and NO color on them... that includes brand symbols and logos on the shoe. The shoe must be completely black) Concert Attire: GUYS: Black slacks, White long sleeve button down shirt, Black long tie, Black socks, Black dress shoes GIRLS: ALL Black dress or skirt/slacks and shirt. Dress/skirt must be 2 inches below knee and sleeves must be at least to the elbow. (no t-shirt material) Black close-toed dress shoes (no spike heels, no flip flops)
  • Attendance, Communication and Make-Up Assignments"
    Attendance: Students are expected to participate in ALL after school rehearsals, dress rehearsals, concerts and performances. PERFORMANCES ARE LISTED ON THE BAND PAGE & IN THE CALENDAR ON THE WEBSITE! (At LHS we encourage students to become 'well-rounded' individuals. I work with athletic coaches to ensure that they can play their sport and be able to participate in band. If students participate in football or basketball, pep band performances are excused if the athletes are playing in the games.) If students are not present, consistently, weeks prior to a concert/ performance, they will not be adequately prepared to perform with the group and will not be allowed to perform. A makeup project will have to be completed for the missed performance. * Unavoidable conflicts for scheduled performances must be submitted to Mrs. Trapp PRIOR to the event and at the EARLIEST possible date. Mrs. Trapp will then determine if your absence will be excused. She must know 24 hours in advance if you must miss a rehearsal or performance. Must be turned in within 1 week. (2 weeks is max in special circumstances) Make up work (Theory Papers & Practice logs for the first two pep games or practices, 8 page paper for additional pep games/ 15 page paper for concerts) is only available for EXCUSED absences for 95% credit. (Emergencies are always the exception.) As with ALL absences for performances (pep or concert) communication is the key! Mrs Trapp WILL work to keep constant communication through announcements in class, emails home, updates to the website, and schedules on the board in the classroom. Please make sure that you listen and read these communications to stay informed, then reach out to Mrs Trapp via email, immediately, if you have any questions.
  • Lettering and PE Waivers
    Lettering: Students can letter in band by attending every practice and game during our 2 pep seasons. You may only miss 1 practice/game per season in order to letter and maintain a ‘C’ or higher in the class. PE Waivers: PE waivers are available if a student does not miss more than 2 combined practice or game during both pep seasons. You cannot miss more than 2, as you will not have enough ‘hours’ to qualify for the waiver.

NLIMBO 501c3


NLIMBO is a 501c3 non-profit corporation that helps the LHS Music Department and all of the students involved in the program! 

NLIMBO - North Lakewood Instrumental Music Boosters Organization 

501(c)3 Tax ID/ EIN: 20-2714430



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North Lakewood, WA 



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